A Grilled Cheese Ni...
By NickTamboia
  • Humor
  • funny
  • humor
  • situations


This is one of those stories I mentioned where I was told I should write comedy parts for kids. I wrote this, imagining just one episode in something like a sitcom that involved two brothers and a series of mishaps. I had originally posted this a while ago, on two different sites, but took the story down because of complaints by some (trolls maybe) over "Boxer Shorts," which comes toward the middle and ending of the story. After talking to some other writes in various online groups-some of whom are well known published authors-who encouraged me to put the story back up and stick to my original idea, I have decided to do that here, and leave that part in. The story is a bit longer than a short story, but hopefully the ending makes it worth it. Lastly, Raymond and his brothers and sisters are my favorites, and while this story is more of a modern world one, I have other stories where I moved them into more of a fantasy world, yet their humor is still there, perhaps more so. . . N.T.

Sometime before the digital age. . .

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A Grilled...
by NickTamboia