Shadows in the night
By Hellfire_x
  • Adventure


Life's complicated. Life's not fair. Nothing is straight forward. Nothing remains innocent for long. Death is the only certainty and sometime its hard to distinguish Good and Evil. There comes a point where you have to realise that perhaps the barrior is not as defined as we onced believed as innocent children. The line blears. Good people do bad things and sometimes, very rarely, when everything starts going wrong, it takes a self-confessed villain to sort it all out. Natasha was once a farmer's daughter, living in a sleepy old village. However, one day her small world is shattered with one command and a stroke of a bloody sword. Taken from her home to the heart of the great capital city and thrown into a stormy journey of hate, corruption, manipulation and lies. Friends becomes enemies. Hope turns to fear. Trust becomes a distant childhood memory. Death is all around as the peace of the city spirals out of control. Which side shall she choose? The heroic new king, armour with his honour and duty? Or the darkness of the city slums where daggers glisten in the night?


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Shadows i...
by Hellfire_x