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Touya Todoroki went missing 3 months before the U.A. High Graduation. He was your classmate and you talked a lot so you knew how his father, the number two hero Endeavor, was towards his children. Now, coming closer to graduation, you confront Endeavor about the whereabouts of Touya. This may be your only chance to find him and even if you don't find him right away, you don't intend to give up so easily. ~ We don't bulls**t around $£% scenes here. Each chapter with $£% scenes will be equipped with warnings: Explicit B - Bondage Explicit X - Explaination given at top of chapter with this warning Created by the writer of Aizawa x Reader(3M), Shinso x Reader, and Bakugo x Reader. Enjoy!
Leading up to the Disappearance
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