"The Past, Pre...
By Bisqueits
  • Fantasy
  • daemons
  • fanfiction
  • hdm
  • hisdarkmaterials
  • lyra
  • lyrabelacqua
  • marisaandasriel
  • marisaxasriel
  • masriel
  • philippullman


This is a Fanfic I wrote about His Dark Materials which is written from Marisa's POV (Point of View). It follows the decisions young Marisa took and the challenges she faced along with Asriel. It has bits of fan-fiction at the beginning, the middle is more just POV rather than fanfic and the end is made up (inspired by one of DagnyArt's posts on Instagram, where the two look up at a star and talk to each other) It has multiple kissing scenes but it is 100% not a lemon, it's just sweet, but due to the fact that it might not be for people under 13, I had to put it as mature content. It will have multiple chapters (also, some chapters were rushed since this was my first ACTUAL fanfic) Enjoy! !!SPOILER ALERT FROM THE BOOKS/SHOW!! IF YOU HAVEN'T READ THE BOOKS/WATCHED THE SHOW AND YOU WANT TO, I SUGGEST FIRST DOING THAT AND THEN READING THIS FANFIC!! **I also wanted to keep the dialogue without words following such as "she sighed." because I wanted the readers to feel like they are there, right next to them when they're having this conversation (an in real life, you don't say "she said" or "he laughed" so- enjoy!

The Past, part 1

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by Bisqueits