Susurrus Orisons...
By Aolani-126
  • Poetry
  • art
  • death
  • dreams
  • drugs
  • heart
  • heartbreak
  • mind
  • mythology
  • pain
  • poetry
  • rebirth
  • sexuality


Compendium - Collection of writings; anthology. Unfathomable - Hard to understand; mystifying. To whom it may concern, as the architect of my seventh series of poems, I would like to thank you for having taken some time to give my work a chance to be discovered. Indeed, even one read or one simple comment would encourage me to persevere with my writing that I wish to share with the world and you included. What follows is a compilation of my most recent poetry. If you are familiar with my work, you may discover something different upon reading what I have to offer in this series, but you will probably not be too shocked or confused with my poems, as you know how off-beat I can be with my style. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy drinking that mind of mine that I will have woven so carefully and so jarringly into this series. Should you be entirely new to my works and stories, however, then I would like to inform you that these poems are most likely hard to fathom and will almost certainly raise many eyebrows due to...well, you will find out if you read on. "Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy drinking that mind of mine that I will have woven so carefully and so jarringly into this series." "What are the poems about?" That is a respectable question, of course. My answer, nonetheless, is not, for all I can say is my imagination and feelings are both highly volatile and, therefore, so are my poems. I will include topics of all sorts, including (but not limited to) death, rebirth, pain, dreams, art, mythology, the human mind, drugs and various, often controversial ones. Do sit back, unwind, and let the power of poetry seduce you. CAUTION: THE CONTENT YOU ARE ABOUT TO UNVEIL WILL, AT TIMES, PROBABLY BE OF A DISTURBING NATURE TO YOU. FOR THIS REASON, I DO NOT RECOMMEND YOU CONTINUE READING IF YOU ARE UNDER 16.

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by Aolani-126