The world finally c...
By Tamara199815
  • Horror
  • action
  • bts
  • love
  • zombie


I never was the type of person that liked to be around people, I always like to be alone in a quiet place I just never knew that would be my new life Y/N: Who are you, what do you want from me? Jungkook: Don't worry we're not going to hurt you. one day during class your homeroom teacher ran into the class in told everyone to go, you had no idea why, but you didn't mind leaving this place they call high school. But once you left the building you saw people attack each other but not with weapons but teeth they were eating people ripping them apart in front of your eyes. The only thing you could think of was your family would you find them safe or just another flesh-eating monster? Read to find out.

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The world...
by Tamara199815