The One He Can'...
By AmariannaRose
  • Fanfiction
  • agentsmith
  • hugoweaving
  • keanureeves
  • loveatfirstsight
  • matrix
  • merovingian
  • morpheus
  • neo
  • oracle
  • seraph
  • theone
  • trinity


Elysium was once a program but when she was only 4 years old her parents somehow were able to send her to the "real" world.... without having to pay the Frenchman.... one day she got ran over by a car stuffed into a trunk and "forced" to take the RED PILL while still unconscious.... Thomas A Anderson aka Neo becomes her "savior" of sorts and the only person she trusts out of the entire Nebuchadnezzar crew he was there for her when she awoke in the pod and through much of her journey through the Matrix for she would only go in when "ordered" if he was there.... before joining the crew she was a girl who never learned to swim and is claustrophobic so she relied on Neo for a LOT of things for he was the only person who could keep her calm.... As she moves throughout the Matrix Elysium learns more about her true self and that she can mimic the abilities of other programs (for example the twins)... after awhile Neo and Elysium start developing feelings for one another.... much to Trinity's dismay.... will they start acting on those emotions or ignore them completely and just stay friends?

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The One H...
by AmariannaRose