Archie is a Aspiring Hero in training from UA. Her life is going nowhere until she meets Minoru Mineta, a perverted boy at first glance, with a passion for female hero's. Archie takes an instant disliking to Minoru and the cruel and terrorising ways he learnt during his years in whatever Bin he crawled out of. However, when a Lakeisha tries to badmouth Archie, Minoru springs to the rescue. Archie begins to notices that Minoru is actually rather sweet at heart. But, the pressures of Minoru's classmates leaves him blind to Archie's affections and Archie takes up Art to try and distract herself. Finally, when the rising Villain, Lakeisha, threatens to come between them, Minoru has to act fast. But will they ever find the Passionate love that they deserve? "Im going to kill you if you write a story about me and Mineta"~Archie IM NOT SORRY FOR THIS ARCHIE-