Change the Subject
By Dreamy_Drawrite
  • Fanfiction
  • aperture
  • core
  • escape
  • glados
  • laboratories
  • personality
  • portal
  • portal2
  • science
  • subject
  • test
  • testchamber
  • testing
  • testsubject


**Spoilers for Portal, Portal 2 and Portal 2 Co-Op!** GLaDOS was more than happy when Atlas and P-Body found so many new human test subjects for her. All she had to do from then on was to make sure that the history she's had with humans so far wouldn't repeat itself. So she upgraded her security systems, blocked some important passages, and devided her new subjects into three categories: Category 1 - Subjects with perfect personality traits and physical abilities for testing Category 2 - Subjects, who one could see as average or below average for testing Category 3 - Subjects with problematic traits and physical or/and mental abilities that could lead to them trying to destroy her...and those don't even get the chance or opportunity to wake up. MC311000 is the code of her currenly active test subject, who happens to belong in the Category 1. His everyday life revolves around testing, arguing with the AI watching over him, and eating from time to time when he gets a chance. Unlike most test subjects GLaDOS' had, he enjoys the testing, especially flying across chambers, and doesn't mind staying in the facility forever, knowing the outside world is a lifeless radioactive wasteland. Just imagine what a scientific disaster it would be, if someone told him the truth about everything he's so curious about...

Chapter 1

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Change th...
by Dreamy_Drawrite