Wear that one
By CathyJensen
  • Fanfiction
  • fifty
  • fiftyshades
  • fiftyshadesof
  • fiftyshadesofgrey
  • grey
  • ofgrey
  • shades
  • shadesofgrey


Thanks to E L James for Fifty Shades Of Grey Trilogy I am using her characters as well as sone of my own. Anastasia loves kids, her life revolves helping kids she has no desire to be a mans playtoy. So she went into a career that most wouldn't want. She is an oncologist for kids. She also works at children's hospice care centers. One day Dr Grace asked her to do her a huge favor. All she had to say the favor was to attend a ball for a kids charity. Raymond Steele Carla Steele Anastasia Steele Carrick Grey Grace Grey Elliott Grey Christian Grey Mia Grey Evan Kavanagh Emma Kavanagh Kate Kavanagh I have added these afterward so I am going by my usual characters.

A Match Made in ?

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Wear that...
by CathyJensen