Unbound (EDITING)
By Hayley_Hi
  • Romance
  • action
  • attraction
  • babydaddy
  • backup
  • badass
  • badboy
  • brothers
  • businessmen
  • ceo
  • cold
  • family
  • familyfeuds
  • hot
  • humor
  • love
  • mystery
  • romance
  • ruthless
  • savior
  • secrets
  • suspense
  • team
  • twins
  • wealth
  • youngadult


"You said this was an emergency," he said in a bored, unconvinced tone. "It is an emergency! I'm not sure how long you plan on keeping me here, bound to your property. And I don't want to remain in this dress any longer, unless you let me go home this instant. I- I can retrieve some for myself and then-," He laughs. It's a deep, sexy rumble. Ugh I shouldn't think of him in such ways. "I am very aware of what you're trying to do here Ms. Haven, do not mistake me for a fool," he retorts, almost incredulously. And I don't give up. "But I told you! I don't want to be wearing this hideous thing! I- I need-" "If it's bothering you so much just take it off," he says, nonchalantly, tossing back the last sip in his glass before pouring himself another. I ground my teeth together. How strong is that drink? "If you're trying to be funny, I suggest you look for a better sense of humor. I'm being serious Mr. Ambrose, this isn't one of your sick jokes," But he looked back at me, straight in the eye, as cold and as impassive as ever. "I wasn't joking." ___________________________________________ Layla's life takes a whole 360 the morning she wakes up to a foreign room, on a foreign bed with absolutely no recollection of what occurred the previous night at the ball, except for the haunting memory of cerulean eyes and a ridiculously handsome face. What happens when she realizes that not only is he the most handsome and charismatic bachelor she's ever laid eyes on, but is also the captor that comes to keep her under lock and key? Things begin to escalate, and Layla finds herself tangled in a deep web of questions, mysteries and secrets. In the midst of the uncertainty, she begins to form an unhealthy attachment to him, desire and attraction soon grow into feelings too strong for her to deny. So once skeletons fall out and hidden closets are exposed, will the two be able to remain strong? Is Layla ready for what she is about to learn?

Chapter 1 - Charmed

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Unbound (...
by Hayley_Hi