Save me.
By KaraJones064
  • Romance
  • adult-content
  • adultlanguage
  • adultromance
  • alpha
  • angelsanddemons
  • drama
  • goddess
  • godsandgoddesses
  • hotguys
  • lovestory
  • lovetriangle
  • matebond
  • multiplepartners
  • polyamory
  • powers
  • romance
  • steamy
  • supernatural
  • texttospeech
  • throuple
  • torn
  • werewolf
  • wolf


Silver was found as a child covered in blood with no memory of who she was or how she got there. After years of nightmares and seeing things that others couldn't it was clear she has been through a hard life. When her foster family finally had enough they send her to a private therapist to live with permanently in hopes to fix her. Is Silver really crazy or is there more to her that meets the eye. I hope you all enjoy this book it's my first time putting my work out there for others to see. Please don't copyright or steal my ideas. This book is steamy and not for children⚠️. If there are mistakes please feel free to let me know in the comments. Love y'all and happy reading.💕😁

Save me.

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Save me.
by KaraJones064