The Ranger and the...
By Avisknight
  • Fanfiction
  • araluen
  • brotherband
  • halt
  • rangersapprentice
  • skandia


Meet Willy, a small half Araluen half Skandian boy who didn't get along with anyone, including his older brother. He was a thief, and a good one at that. Anybody who talked to the small boy would find their purse lighter or their valuables gone after he was gone. He was a trouble maker. Unlike his older brother MJ. MJ was proud that he would be leaving Skandia on his birthday to become an apprentice ranger. Apprenticed to his grandfather, he would learn the rangers ways and fight crime throughout the kingdom. MJ thought once he left his annoying brother behind, he would forget their disagreements, but he was wrong. Now he must save his younger brother from the trouble he has gotten himself into, without even knowing it was Willy that was in the middle of it all. Will MJ forgive his brothers mistakes, or block him out forever? Join the brothers on their quest to find friendship with each other and meet new friends along the way.

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The Range...
by Avisknight