Unknown Depths.
By Idecidemyownfate
  • Romance
  • aquarium
  • girl
  • hot
  • love
  • lovestory
  • mercreature
  • mermaid
  • merman
  • mystery
  • romance
  • romantic
  • supernatural
  • supernaturalromance


The story follows a college student, named Delia, who works at an aquarium. When the story starts a new exhibit at the aquarium is about to open. Here the visitors can look into the local ocean on which the aquarium borders. Whilst working at night Delia starts to notice something shiny in the depths of the water, something she can't quite place. At the same time, a man starts to appear in her life, a stranger whom she has never met before. Things get even more interesting when they pull a glowing orb out of the ocean, the origin of which unkown... --------------------------------------------------------------- I know it's not the best description, but I tried... Update: I'm having a bit of a writersblock on this one, but I do plan on finishing it!

Chapter 1

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Unknown D...
by Idecidemyownfate