Allied With Dreams
By KatelynWilsonOsborne
  • ChickLit
  • chicklit
  • katykeene
  • shortstory
  • writingcontest


This story is about me and what i plan to pursue in the future. Disclaimer: Not everything in this story will be true but some parts are mainly about me. Enjoy!💛 Katelyn Wilson is a girl with Three different mental illnesses, Katelyn leaves a life of Pain, Happiness, and even In-Between. One minute she is happy the next she is upset or sad. Dealing with a dysfunctional but stable family she knows she must go on to pursue a career of her liking to get on her feet. And become a woman of her own. Katelyn wilson decided that she is a determined person who fights for what she needs and she wants to be Allied with her dreams, she wants to be connected to a better resource for her and her family. No matter what mental issues she has, Katelyn will never give up until she gets her dream fulfilled. Follow Katelyn on a journey Through Life. "Allied with Dreams".

Chapter one 💛

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Allied Wi...
by KatelynWilsonOsborne