I AM A PUBLISHED POET, I go by the pen name of Ben Ray. nothing has been published yet but I have poems accepted into both "Bards Annual 2020" and "Wright of Passion Literary Journal," This "story" will consist of random poems I write about, with topics ranging greatly. Basically anything I feel like writing about or is on my mind. I use some of these poems in my My Hero Academia Miritama one shot fic (There are very few chapters that you need to have knowledge of the show to enjoy)( enjoy! Also, do you have any idea how hard it is to write poetry on this site? I write it in a google doc so I have to copy and past it onto this website and when I do, a single line enter becomes an empty line which is also what you get when you place an empty line in between stanzas and don't get me started on how to center it, each stanza needs to be selected and centered separately.