run away alpha
By zhariaya0720
  • Werewolf
  • arub
  • devian
  • gothprincess
  • ismary
  • jorden


"Holland!......please" mother cried. I refuse to speak to anybody and began to build hate and malice in my heart. I had enough pressure on me... Holland winter is a 17 year old who is to be expected to become the first female alpha of the blood moon pack. she has a unique ability and has extraordinary senses, she is fast and knows how to fight and survive givivg her almost every quality. she is reckless and a complete boy magnet and not to mention she's a partier and is a "rock head" meaning she's stubborn and loves rock music. she isn't looking forward to being alpha so she's basically trying to give herself a bad image just to avoid becoming alpha; so her mom gets another alpha to come and shape her up but makes everything worst from that decision! find out more of what's driven Holland to become a runaway alpha.....

chapter one- meeting hollands life.

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run away...
by zhariaya0720