By goldenmakanaekookie
  • Teen Fiction
  • adventure
  • badboy
  • boys
  • car
  • cars
  • cocky
  • comedy
  • emotional
  • fighting
  • firstlove
  • humor
  • lonely
  • love
  • lovestory
  • racing
  • revenge
  • romance
  • story
  • teenfiction


The red and orange hues were illuminating his face, making his green eyes intense and shine. I could tell something important was on his mind. I could tell a smile was pulling at the corner of his mouth. What are you waiting for Rider? "Where are you taking me Rider?" I asked in a calm tone, he looked at me. The green and his eyes intensified and he smirked. I gave him a questioning look. he began to rev his engine a few time, he looked back to the road. His expression didn't change as he took in a long deep breathe. "I am going to show you the meaning of freedom." He then quickly pressed down on the gas pedal, throwing me back into my seat. His car was speeding quickly down the road, leaving a trail of dirt in our wake. He laughed looking at me and continued until he was peeking one hundred. I smiled, I finally get what he was feeling. We were flying. * * * * * * * * Freedom. The feeling of freedom, that rush of empowerment and it courses through your body. You can feel it spiraling all around inside of it you, vining its way around every fiber. Judgement. Judgement comes in all different forms, the one I talk about is the one that has to be a split second decision. That moment of sheer panic and fear. Patience. Patience sets in when it is most needed, and you push and push and break through the wall blocking you. Chipping away but then smashing you entire body through it, making it to the end. Peter Ronan lived by these three words and those meanings. He just never expected the one thing he put them towards would be ripped away so easily. Just one small crash, ripping it all away very quickly. Street Racing. That is until Kendra Benson, the new kid, arrives and she gets herself in deeper then she ever expected. She wasn't about a life of excitement, never had been. Something in side her ignites. Something ignites in Peter as well. He then longed for the race. Trailer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8A1ac611qg&feature=youtu.be

The Crash ( edited.)

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by goldenmakanaekookie