Tutoring The Badboy...
By Rieaboo29
  • Teen Fiction
  • badboy
  • blackgirl
  • blackgirlwhiteboy
  • boyfriendgirlfriend
  • bwwm
  • drama
  • familysecrets
  • friendship
  • hatred
  • highschool
  • jealousy
  • love
  • popular
  • regulargirl
  • seniors
  • sercrets
  • texttospeech
  • troublemaker
  • tutor
  • tutoring
  • wealth


Natalie was always prepared for everything. She managed a 3.8 gpa in school, tutored students on her time, and attended her dance class at night. And still manage to hangout with her friends. Some say genius. But nothing never prepared her for tutoring the rich,famously, superior badboy Isaiah Thompson. He on the other hand just never really cared about anything. He figured since he was already famous and wealthy and had all the girls, what more did he need? But that all changed when his parents threatened to take away all his money, cars, fame if he didn't get his act together. The pressure didn't really hit him until he met Natalie. She change everything about him as much as he hates to admit it. She made him think about his choices and the way he did things. Questioning himself how far would he go for at someone he really cared about? Do you think he can actually have feelings for Natalie? Does she feel the same vibe? Read more to find out...

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by Rieaboo29