☾Moon and Sun☽
By Essencetialsuwu
  • Romance
  • bl
  • idoltrainees
  • koreanpop
  • kpop
  • kpopindustry


Kim Byeong Cheol (Beck) is an amazing dancer and rapper. He's been a idol trainee under a famous entertainment company for three years. Many people who are apart of the company and other trainees think he should have debuted by now with how much talent he possesses. Unfortunately the CEO of the company, Mr. Lee doesn't want Beck to debut because Beck's father is a childhood enemy of Mr. Lee. When Mr. Lee called Beck asking him to join his company after seeing one of Beck's many dance covers and original choreography, Beck's parents told him he shouldn't trust Mr. Lee and he should wait for another company to come along. Beck decided to take Mr. Lee's offer because he saw it as a once in a lifetime opportunity. Beck soon regrets his decision once he realizes he isn't treated the same as the other trainees. Soon Beck starts feeling lost and starts questioning if maybe he should give up and throw everything he has worked for with this company away. Suddenly Lee Chan Seong (Sun) shows up at the company as a new trainee and is put under Beck's care. Beck doesn't know why but Sun seems very familiar. Will Beck keep pushing on and finally debut or will his life take him down another path?

Chapter 1: Where the Sun dont Shine

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☾Moon a...
by Essencetialsuwu