The Collectors
By Tando88
  • Fantasy
  • bicuriosity
  • college
  • comingofage
  • creatures
  • hybridcat
  • mythology
  • pixie
  • sexuality
  • supernatural
  • ucla
  • vampire
  • werewolf


Chen has never felt like she's belonged anywhere. She can't make friends, even with those closest to her. But then, a long-lost cousin appears bearing strange news, she's a Collector, and there's a whole other world full of supernatural creatures, and she can turn into them, with the help of a special bracelet. With these new powers, can she finds friends, love, and acceptance? Author's Acknowledgement: This story was originally just suppose to be an exercise in supernatural romance writing, as it is a popular genre (particularly on this very site), but after several sessions of brainstorming and world-building, I decided this is an idea that needs expanding on...a lot of expanding. "The Collectors" is meant to be a sort of sleazy, but classy guilty pleasure. Sort of like a good cable TV show. Hope you enjoy.

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The Colle...
by Tando88