Five years. That's how long it lasted. I was very young at the start of World War 3. Although the name seemed appropriate at the time, I don't believe it is one that should be put in History books as we are no longer a world, but a shit hole. A shit hole under serving of a name or even a spot in this universe. Yet we are still here. Five years. It was longer than the First World War and shorter than the second. With those statistics, don't you think the damages should have reflected in those numbers? Maybe not... It's dark. So very, very dark. The war was not what most would think it would be. It was not over a nuclear attack, or a democracy. Or, maybe it was. To be perfectly honest, I don't remember. So I leave that up to your imagination. Of course, while this does play a large part it isn't my story. My story, unlike many before it, starts at the end and ends at the start. Allow me to explain...