Locked in a Cabin f...
By IM5theFooofanfics
  • Fanfiction
  • felixsandman
  • oggemolander
  • omarrudberg
  • oscarenestad
  • thefooo
  • thefooofanfiction


Cabin love, the hottest new reality show, is forcing their contests to find love in order for them to leave the cabin but what their contestants don't know is there true love is someone on the island and they can't leave until they find their match. Morgan wants to treat herself by finding someone, she wants a boyfriend, something she has not really had before. But Charlotte wants to get away from her past ex, and find herself a real man. When they meet, Morgan hates Charlotte seeing her as just competition. Charlotte on the other hand thinks Morgan is a different and would make a great friend. As they find themselves stuck on the cabin with six guys and four other girls, they begin to become friends. Charlotte spot Morgan falling for the Oscar guy, big fluffy hair and beach tan, with and incredible jaw line. Then Morgan spots Charlotte getting flirty with Felix, who's a friend of Oscar, cares about his style, and every time he smiles you can see the little wrinkles that form on his face. Will they find their true love or will the show have a few tricks up their sleeves making it nearly impossible to find love?

Chapter 1

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Locked in...
by IM5theFooofanfics