Softly Snowing (Ble...
By yemihikari
  • Fanfiction
  • bleach
  • childhoodcrush
  • family-momoandtoshiro
  • family-toshiroandgrany
  • hinamorimomo
  • hitsugayatoshiro
  • ocs
  • onesided-toshiroxoc
  • softlysnowing
  • yemihikari


Prejudical eyes followed Toshiro around as a child, before he went into the academy. He believed that no one outside granny and Momo thought of him as anything but a jinx. However, his careful eyes missed something he hadn't expected to see. Disclaimer - I don't own Bleach. Original publication 06-02-2009. Note: I've read a lot of stories where an OC is supposed to be Toshiro's childhood friend and it is their job to melt his heart so they can be in a romantic relationship with each other. The problem is that Toshiro was never able to make friends easily and his only relationships prior to becoming a Shinigami were his foster sister Momo, his granny and Kusaka from the academy. If he had just one friend things would be very different, but the writers always forget this fact. I asked myself what solution would I come up with and it was to create an acquaintance who has a crush on Toshiro but was always to shy to approach him. This also said, she's also they kind of girl that is very likely not to have her feelings reciprocated by the boy she likes.

Why Prejudice?

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Softly Sn...
by yemihikari