Wolves Of Mount Bay
By Devils_Assasin
  • Werewolf
  • couple
  • funny
  • love
  • man
  • mate
  • new
  • romance
  • smalltown
  • werewolf
  • wild
  • wolf
  • wolves
  • woman


Veta Mars has always been the outcast of her town, the odd ball, splattered in paint and holding a heavy desire for art that no one else understands. When a pair of new neighbors move into Mount Bay, a lot of weird things begin to happen. What once was a safe and sweet town, suddenly had people going missing, murders and a presence of massive wolves lingering in the woods. It all seems odd, even the fact the new neighbors always smelt of dog and had odd habits that made a person wonder. Yet Veta can't help but feel pulled to them, drawn in by their openness to only her, their need to stay private and protective, and then there's Nikove, with the beautiful eyes and the small grin. She definitely can't help but feel the pull toward him.

Chapter 1: Veta Mars

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Wolves Of...
by Devils_Assasin