Ever Since - Troyle...
By grapefruitvibes
  • Fanfiction
  • slay
  • troyesivan
  • troyler
  • tyleroakley


Troye Sivan let his life slip out of his fingers years ago in the coldness of his own bedroom, to a creature he never ever wanted to meet. Ever since then, all that has been coming his way is gore, torture, pain and nightmares - at least, until Tyler came along. As cold as his heart is, he felt a warm spot for dear Tyler Oakley. Tyler Oakley met Troye, unknowing to his other half of his life. When he finds him in the midst of cold sweat after a nightmare, he is determined to protect his best friend, and the love of his life, but he knew it would never easy. Guess what? He was right. He was embarking onto a journey he himself didn't even knew he was in for. As the two boys fall slowly into deeper levels of emotions and attachments, Troye gets deeper into his darker past. The worst part? He might never get out of it. [Copyrighted, all ideas are mine unless stated otherwise.]

Chapter I ; Secret

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Ever Sinc...
by grapefruitvibes