A Song of Spiders
By Ukegnome
  • Science Fiction
  • church
  • currachs
  • dublin
  • dystopia
  • evil
  • future
  • gnomes
  • ireland
  • reality
  • religion
  • spiders
  • technology
  • titanic
  • virtual
  • virtual-reality


Sing a song of spiders, a pocket full of flies. Four and twenty naughty boys, baked in a pie. When the pie was opened, the pope began to feast; Wasn't that a dainty dish, to set before a priest? (Anonymous, children's rhyme, sung on streets of Dublin, early 22nd century, origin unknown.) Dublin in the future is like a grey web for orphans Dex, Rachel and Karma. Their only freedom comes from working as time tour guides in the be-movies. Daily shepherding tourists though the past on excursions like Titanic 4D and Roman Holiday. They know they could be working in the Chthonic church-run giant spider silk farms, so things could be much, much worse. Then one day Rachel disappears. The Inquisition take an interest and things get dangerous for Dex and Karma. They find themselves making new friends and new enemies in a underground they never knew existed. Then they uncover an evil plan by the church to ensure eternal obedience that they know they must try and stop before the whole world is devoured.

Chapter 1 - Hacking Titanic

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A Song of...
by Ukegnome