#Against Bulling
  • Random
  • againstbulling
  • antibully
  • antibullying
  • beafriend
  • bullingis
  • bullingismean
  • bullingiswrong
  • bullyingawareness
  • dontbeabully
  • dontbemean


Bulling is a very bad thing and should be taken seriously. In this book I will post things I find online about why bulling is bad and why you shouldn't bully others. If anyone has ever read my profile then you would know that I am 100% against bulling. I myself have never been a subject to bulling so I don't know what people who have feel like but, If you ever need someone to talk to I'm here. You can talk to me in the comments or message me privately. Even if you just need to vent your anger to someone I'm here to listen and to tell you it will be okay or that its alright to be angry. If you have a story about bulling, like if you know someone who over came it, or you just have something of your own you would like for other people to see so that they can realize there is hope for those being bullied or people can realize why it is so wrong let me know. I would be happy to add it here. Brought to you by KOTLC-Riley-PJO

Don't Hurt Others

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by KOTLC-Riley-PJO