The Ill-fated Lover...
By PurpleAlien122
  • ChickLit
  • chicklit
  • curse
  • dark
  • enemy
  • fiction
  • friendship
  • lovetriangle
  • magic
  • mysterious
  • romance
  • romantic-thriller
  • soulmates
  • valerie
  • witch
  • writer
  • youngadult


Straight out of University, Valerie Hudson is an oddball writer trying to survive in the concrete jungles of New York. Valerie's life is perfect to the eye. She had a perfect childhood with a white picket fence and a best friend next door. But when Valerie starts getting morbid nightmares about her getting viciously murdered she starts to question her mental health. She continues to go on with her life not letting the nightmares slow her down and then she meets Nick Ortega. Valerie is attracted to Nick in a way she can't explain. The stranger is mysterious and he seems to know more about Valerie than he should. Will Valerie finally figure out what's causing the malicious nightmares and is there a reason as to why Nick knows more than he should?

Authors note.

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The Ill-f...
by PurpleAlien122