So Far Away
By taylor-karev
  • Teen Fiction
  • friendship
  • longdistance
  • longdistancerelationship
  • romance
  • soulmateau
  • summercamp
  • teenfiction
  • teenromance
  • texting


Samantha King never even wanted to go to that summer camp, and she definitely didn't expect to meet someone who she had such a close connection to. If she never wanted to go in the first place, then why did she feel so empty being back home? She loved her friends, but it didn't feel right. There was a good thing there was always texting. Axel loved camp, and he loved the people even more than he already did. And he liked Samantha more than a ton of people that he had met. He found a good thing in texting too. A way to still be able to talk to her, and he loved every second of it. The two start to fall for each other even more than they ready had, and a romance starts to bloom. Even though they're so far away. SPIN-OFF TO MARKED

So Far Away

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So Far Aw...
by taylor-karev