Anakin and Padme: S...
By RandomSt0ries
  • Fanfiction
  • anakin
  • chewie
  • darthvader
  • jedi
  • leia
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  • obiwan
  • padme
  • rebelalliance
  • sith
  • skywalker
  • solo
  • yoda


Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars. But only characters and ideas I create Chancellor Palpitine has just revealed himself as the Sith Lord to Anakin Skywalker. But Anakin doesn't know what to do. He worries without him he will not be able to save his wife from death. Little does he know that Palpitine is a scheming, lying Nerfherder. Padme is pregnant yet is still persuing dangerous ideas. Her Mon Mothma, and Bail Organa agree that the Chancellor is over staying his welcome in office. So they are proposing the idea of a rebellion. Padme and Anakin somehow end up on Padme's Ship from Naboo. And are awaking and crashing. They crash into Tatooine. Little do they know that it is a lot different there than the last time they were there. They find themselves 23 years in the future with unforseen differences from the present they were living in The Empire The Emperor Darth Vader The Death Star The Second Death Star The Rebellion Stormtroopers And many more different and troubling ideas.

Chapter 1: The Dark Side is Revealed

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Anakin an...
by RandomSt0ries