Our Lucky Fate
By ramya-99
  • Romance
  • family
  • forever
  • friends
  • happy
  • heartbroken
  • hiddensecret
  • love
  • misunderstood
  • pain
  • past
  • sacrifice


Hi guy's it's my another story which is....it's a secret "I think we both met by lucky fate "we both are on terrace talking while cuddling to each other's "Lucky fate!" I looked at him in confused what he meant but here he huged me are more tightly "Yes" he told me again by kissing on my forhead. I nodded by understanding him and slept in his arm with my sweet smile on my face ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ I came from my dreamland when the sound of alarm waked me and I stopped the alarm and i opened my phone when I saw my phone wallpaper a lone tear fell from my eyes seeing HIS smiley face then my subconscious shouted on me 'why are you crying for him you don't deserve him you r a back stuber' I closed my ears & yelled at her SHOTUP ....! Wanna know more so open the book & continue reading...... But my heart says he still loves me

Characters Introduction

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Our Lucky...
by ramya-99