A cowards conviction
By BetaCappa
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • killer
  • mystery
  • serialkiller


I was spoiled growing up and I was loved by everyone. Always told how smart I was, how far I was going and how I made everyone so proud. I was the youngest in my family, but the brightest as well and everyone has such high hopes for me. I had a world ahead of me I couldn't wait to be apart of but at the same time I lived a life no one ever thought I was apart of. At first it started small the bullying, teasing, name calling. Then it got mental. Telling me things I couldn't prove. Lying to me. Telling others stories to change how they saw me and treated me. Then it got physical. And you touched me. You knocked me around and threw me into everything except a safety net and when I couldn't take it any longer and thought I was safe and found somewhere to call home I was violated and torn apart. I grew up but never grew out of what I went through and after enough years and enough trials I snapped and this is my conviction. I was spoiled as a child, with everything except for the one thing that was needed most and when the world showed me how cruel it could be, I turned to it and welcomed it with open arms.

The buildup.

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A cowards...
by BetaCappa