Tales from a Pepsi...
By ralloreda
  • Historical Fiction
  • classichollywood
  • glamour
  • hollywood
  • joancrawford
  • joangrande
  • metrogoldwynmayer
  • movie
  • oldhollywood
  • oscar
  • queens
  • royalty
  • vintage
  • winner


Say her name in a crowed room and watch the reaction. Why is Joan Crawford still so relevant even after over 40 years after her passing? The answer is in part , that her challenges are contemporary. Unbeknownst to her, she became the forerunner of nearly every major film star, actress or actor in the history of Hollywood. Her imperfections only create an ever more evolving and compelling narrative. So go ahead and say her name, "Joan Crawford ", out loud in a crowd and just revel how that name evokes emotions of all kinds, and that is all any of us can hope to have as our personal legacy. Joan Crawford, as never before, openly and candidly tells about her life in vignettes from the author's unique viewpoint, and after you meet her, you will never forget Joan Crawford.

The Fans Made Me

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Tales fro...
by ralloreda