Save me ➹ Taylor...
By iixixivbella
  • Fanfiction
  • bullied
  • depression
  • love
  • suicidal
  • taylor
  • taylorcaniff


do you ever feel like a broken glass? everything shattering and never finding the pieces to put them together? thats exactly how i feel, walking around broken and nobody seem to notice it. no matter how miserable my life i can do nothing put keep everything to myself. it feels like im putting all my emotion in a bottle and waiting to explode soon. i really want to give up but i cant, i cant just leave my mother behind even though i feel she would do so much better without me. i feel im such a disappointment to people, my mother, my father, everybody at school and myself, but again what have done to disappoint people? im coldhearted i feel dead my soul is dead and all this happened because of one boy, Taylor Caniff

Chapter 1

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Save me ?...
by iixixivbella