To Love Thy Enemy (...
By IAmMadeOfLove2616
  • Fanfiction
  • legolas
  • legolaslovestory
  • legolasxoc
  • lordoftherings
  • lotr


Rowena Frost, separated at a young age from her mother, her only caregiver, by the King of Mirkwood was taken under by none other than Gandalf the Grey. With no knowledge of her father and his whereabouts she had no choice but to go with him. Throughout the years she resented Thranduil and anyone associated with him, including the prince himself. When she reached maturity she left Gandalf side (although never forgotting him) she went to set off on her own story, one full of vengeance and spite against the royal family of Mirkwood. Rowena became a well known theif of Mirkwood stealing from the nobles and giving it to the less fortunate. Her reputation in Mirkwood began to grow and so did her fanbase so much so that they followed in her footsteps. Opening a Thevies Guild always accepting new recruitments, that work not just in Mirkwood but across Middle Earth. She built a home, a new family, and fought for a noble cause, but what happens when the world is at a threat of Sauron? Will she put aside her differences with the enemy that ruined her childhood? Who knows what could happen on the quest to destroy the one ring, maybe she might find a new discovery about herself and her past. *This story takes place during the Lord Of The Rings Trilogy* *I do not own rights to LOTR* *This story may not be accurate to the LOTR lore* *You have been warned*

Where My Journy Began

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To Love T...
by IAmMadeOfLove2616