What Love Made Poss...
By TyeTitan2017
  • Fanfiction
  • aangxoc
  • atla
  • avatar
  • avatarthelastairbender
  • earthkingdom
  • fate
  • firenation
  • fireprinces
  • irohxoc
  • love
  • romance
  • sokkaxoc
  • watertribe
  • zutara


Long ago, on the southern air temple, before the war had begun. Two teens were kept safe. Who were in love and prospered together. Aang and Niruh were formidable air benders who were always together. When they would merely play around during training, monk Gyatso would only chuckle at them. On their sixteenth birthdays, the monks planned to marry the two. They had no idea that a war was about to start and that Aang would be told what his future held. The only person who could end the battle was Aang, the Avatar. He was in denial when the Monks told him. He found it hard to believe. Gysatso and Niruh made an effort to console him. That, however, was unable to stop what the monks had in mind for Aang. They were about to transfer him to a sister temple, but when he heard them, he immediately fled with Niruh. Niruh had mounted her bison Akiri while Aang got onto Appa, the two ran together leaving their home behind, not knowing what was about to happen. But the two teens had been trapped in a storm, Akiri and Appa had fallen from the dark sky. The only light Aang and Niruh had to see was lightning, giving the sky an uneasy resemblance to the daytime. As they were pulled under the water by a large wave crashing on top of them, the last memory Niruh had was Aang holding her as his tattoos glowed, and then it went black...


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What Love...
by TyeTitan2017