By Edellune
  • Vampire
  • adventure
  • compeer
  • fantasy
  • inamorata
  • love
  • prince
  • princess
  • romance
  • supernatural
  • vampire


Fate is a funny thing. It dictates your happiness and your sorrow; how you live, and how you die. My life, up to this point, had been dictated by Fate. It had led me down a path lined with injustices and paved by the cold stones that were the hearts of my people. When I had finally felt accepted, felt loved by another, it threatened to take all of my newfound joys away. My very being was a fragile boat, and Fate was the tempest, blowing my vessel closer and closer to the threatening shores, tossing and jarring me on the crimson sea of blood. Once you know the dark, it never leaves you. The difference now was that I had at last found my light, and though I was not yet used to its warmth, Fate wanted to plunge me back into the blackness. I am more than just an experiment of life and a stretch of time. I am willing to cut my strings and live my life as something other than a marionette. I do not care about the consequences. After all, I have nothing to lose. I have learned a lot of things since coming to Vittoris, and though I was taught that life and death go hand in hand, I came to the very harrowing realization of something on my own: So do love and war. Some say you cannot fight Fate. I will prove them wrong. Even if it's the last thing I do.

All is Fair

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by Edellune