Smooth liqiudizatio...
By larryfuckedmeup
  • Fanfiction
  • bottomharry
  • crossdressing
  • lipgloss
  • skirts
  • toplouis


☆!!!(This story isn't mine! it's copied from ao3 if you prefer to read it there it's called "want a boy with smooth liquidization, want a boy with good dividend by harryslovechild)!!!☆ Summary: "Why are you wearing lipstick?" Harry briefly closes his eyes calmly, biting his lip again. "'S my sister's gloss. I-just, sort of, like wearing it sometimes?" he says, as if it's a question that Louis has the answer to. "How did you even, like-" "Find out that I like putting it on my lips? Always have. Used to steal a bunch of her lipsticks and wear it when mum and Gems weren't home." "That's..." "Dumb?" Harry almost sulks, forcing a laugh. "Weird? Girly?" "Nah, but girly would suit you. You could even wear a skirt and everything," Louis teases, heart hammering in his chest. Harry's eyes simply widen as his cheeks flush, his mouth opening and closing like he can't believe Louis just said that. And it's so abrupt. Unexpected. But then Harry is breathing out an, "Already have." or Harry likes wearing lipgloss and skirts but his best mate who wants to always kiss him has no idea. Louis catches him one night in the bathroom, asks him to wear one and Harry puts on a mini skirt for him. Things escalate dramatically. ☆(Uploaded by Noel)☆

Summary (again)

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Smooth li...
by larryfuckedmeup