A Queens Beginning...
By MakeupxJunkie
  • General Fiction
  • cheating
  • drama
  • love
  • parenting
  • urban


Zanobia, finds it hard to balance love, work and motherhood. Raising three kids on her own isn't easy especially with little money. After being hurt both of her children's father she starts to live for herself. She realizes love hasn't gotten her anything but a broken heart. After her boyfriend cheated she no longer believes in love. When she meets Brandon he shows her there's more to life. - I don't want any one to feel sympathetic for me, I got fucked over. I got played but at the end of the day I'm still standing. This is my time to shine, my time to love my life and be the best that I can be at everything I do. You either hate me, for being me or you love me for being something I'm not. Just know I'd rather you hate me, because I'll never become something I'm not to please other motherfuckers. So do me a favor and stop feeling bad for me, I'll be just fine. Make room, because a Queen has been born. <3

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A Queens...
by MakeupxJunkie