Career or Family ti...
By kweenlahrah
  • General Fiction
  • banker
  • blinddate
  • bride
  • childhoodfriend
  • childhoodlove
  • colleagues
  • covid19
  • crush
  • dating
  • executive
  • fallinlove
  • female
  • friendship
  • lagos
  • marriage
  • matchmake
  • nigeria
  • office
  • pervert
  • relationship
  • romance
  • university
  • work
  • yoruba


Lola Benson has put off settling down and having a family for the sake of her career and despite pressures from her family and loved ones she sees no reason to relent until circumstances force her to have a rethink. Read through as as she learns to desire matrimony and what happened when she contracted the dreaded Corona virus in the bustling city of Lagos. Her mum and Aunty's unrelenting efforts to get her married will surely make your day Her abusive ex who has literally scarred her of commitment Her friends and their monthly meetups with interesting topics of discussion Tade, who has been in love with her since forever but she didn't even notice This story is all about the choices we make It's about pursuing career and the things one may have to give up.


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Career or...
by kweenlahrah