Darker than Blanc
By emika_3206
  • Romance
  • curseofreincarnation
  • cycle
  • death
  • drama
  • fantasy
  • fantasy-romance
  • fiction
  • lifetime
  • loop
  • novel
  • reincarnation
  • romance
  • soulmates
  • system
  • tragedy
  • villain


❝we were never in love, but oh God we could have been.❞ - It seemed as if they were cursed, living and dying, circling each other seven lifetimes only to always end up passing each other by. He was darkness. Thorin Scarcelli was an orphan boy, a king then a god. He was wrong and he had been wronged. He hated and hated then burned several lifetimes in all his hate. She was light. Harmonia Sotiria was his worst enemy then his queen in other lifetimes. He was the end. Harold Cynesige was always the one who puts an end to Thorin's madness. in short, Thorin was the villain, Harmonia was the heroine and finally, Harold was the hero. as for Rosephanye? - she's sipping tea in the background and watching story after story unfold. and Rosephanye was the beginning

Summary + Author's Note

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Darker th...
by emika_3206