Izuku the Overlord
By amzarbadli3
  • Fanfiction
  • izuku
  • izukuxharem
  • magicizuku
  • opizuku
  • overlord


Izuku was a game developer with a group of his friends and created the game called "Yggdrassil" an online DMMO-RPG or (Dive Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game), that is also an immersive game, like VR but more advanced like SAO. Over the years playing the game, Izuku and his gang were the best players of the game and have established a guild and has amassed an empire they named "The great Tomb of Nazarick", and has never lost a battle to other guilds or other foreign attacks due to Izuku's vast intellect, superior problem solving, and above-average IQ that even rivals some of the greatest minds of history and today. But due to him not wanting all of the attention he settled for being second in command to Momonga, while he manages the other aspects of Nazarick like building up the empire, always making sure they never ever ran low on resources, money and other supplies like rare items or super tier magic items, and is always updated and stored information on anything and everything about Yggdrasil so they will never lose a battle of knowledge, and he is overly cautious. Sadly over the years of playing with his friends, Izuku has developed brain cancer but was found out too late during one random medical check for his extensive migraines his friends made him go to, out of concern. Now on his death bed, Izuku wished to play his favorite game with his friends one last time once he found out the other developers were planning to pull the plug on the game, funny enough it was also around the due date of his expiration. This is a story where Izuku ends up with Nazarick and as a parting gift, some of his friends jokingly set their personal NPC's programing to either be loyal to Izuku, fallen in love with Izuku, or just straight up wants to have Izuku's children, just for their amusement and wish him luck in his next life. Little did they know doing this would make Izuku's next life even more interesting.

Chapter 1

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Izuku the...
by amzarbadli3