Smoke on the Horizon
By reeseweston
  • Historical Fiction
  • fiction
  • historical
  • historicalfiction
  • lgbtq
  • newadult
  • queer
  • queerfiction
  • western


Cooper Price is part of a dying industry. With civilization moving further and further west, honest, hardworking folk get left in the dust. The family farm's going under, and all Cooper can do is tread water until it pulls the whole family down with it. But his father has other plans, ones that involve a gang of outlaws and a price too high for any man to pay with coin alone. The whole affair is kept secret, and Rhett refuses to tell anyone what the terms of the agreement with Miss Clara were, even when it's his family caught in the middle. Cooper's suspects the new ranch hand, John, might have more to do with his father's deal than a man in need of a job, but they need the help, and John's a hard worker. The West is changing, and maybe Cooper ain't afraid of it, but civilization breeds secrecy, and it's already invaded the Price family.


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Smoke on...
by reeseweston