The story follows Neil, a 17 year old high school boy who lives in the country of Philippines. In their country, love is a lie, or so the people think. The government, with their high tech computer partnering system or HTCPS chooses the person's partner, their partners in life will be decided once they reach the age of 18 and no one can disagree with the government. Neil, a boy who has a crush on a famous girl named Mikaela Chen or also known as Chen-chen. He was desperate on having a girlfriend that he took all his courage to ask Chen-chen to come to the playground the night before Neil's birthday. Follow Neil and his gang as he conquers the governed love and tries to take the heart of the girl he likes. ~This is a work of fiction~ All names were given by my (fans?), all names, places, events, are all fictious and coincident. Relax, Tagalog ang story.