Pack Cosmic Eclipse
By Kiwipelt
  • Werewolf
  • cosmiceclipse
  • embermoon
  • evergreen
  • snowfall


Four packs: Pack Cosmic Eclipse Pack Embermoon Pack Evergreen and Pack Snowfall COSMIC ECLIPSE sleeps all day and wakes up only at night. They do alot of star gazing and NOTHING stops them from having meetings in a full moon. they see better in the dark than the day and alot of them who do things in the day usually wear glasses. they are also allied with Snowfall and acquainted with Evergreen. they are very creative and are typically found reading fantasy books or books about star signs. EMBERMOON is very strong but very dull, gullible, yet stubborn. they are enemys to snowfall but only enemies with cosmic eclipse because they are aquanted with snowfall. they are allied with evergreen because they need there smarts to create buildings and plans to attack other bases. EVERGREEN is very smart and logical while cosmic eclipses are creative. Evergreen is acquainted with everybody because they find no point in fighting over land when they dont have time to build anyway. they expand there pack farther west because nobody own land there. there pack is located kn a mountain because its harder to reach. SNOWFALL is a very sleepy pack and typically raise the animals they eat because they dont have to worry about running into a differint packs territory. they sleep for a good majority of the year and wake up in the winter. they usually are mates with most of cosmic eclipse because they are very easy to get along with. Snowfalls accept fate too much for there own good in which forces cosmic eclipse to save there butts alot since embermoond attacks while snowfalls are sleeping. embermoon is also an enemy pack

Chapter 1: Pack Cosmic Eclipse

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Pack Cosm...
by Kiwipelt