Dragon's Call...
By rshiles
  • Fantasy
  • bell
  • cat
  • christmas
  • cinderella
  • cookies
  • dogs
  • dragon
  • elf
  • fairy-tale
  • fantasy
  • genie
  • ghost
  • knight
  • magic
  • psychic-abilities
  • rescue
  • romance
  • santa
  • santaclaus
  • science
  • sciencefiction
  • shortstory
  • siblings
  • stray
  • superhero


Dragon's Call Once every few generations a dragon comes to take a tribute. Who will be taken this time and why? The Stray It was just a stray dog, someone's lost pet, right? Bennie and the Eggs Every year Santa's sleigh loses at least one of its magic sleigh bells. The elves tasked with finding those bells have the power to grant a special gift or wish to any mortal who finds one. Bennie is the best bell-retrieval elf on the team, but this year his generosity may have gotten him into trouble. Christmas Delivery Jace joins his twin sister and the cute new girl, Lia, as they deliver Christmas treats to the neighbors. Horse A homeless veteran sees something in an alley that he wasn't supposed to see. Last Ball Game Siblings play ball while waiting for life-changing news. Knights' Tale Two knights, one princess, what could possibly go wrong? Jane Doe She doesn't know who or what she was before he carried her from the flames. It's Fine Sienna wants to know what her taciturn boyfriend is really thinking/feeling about her. Cat Burglar George, a burglar and a thief, finds a genie's bottle. The Machine Evie just wanted to go to her first dance with a boy. Was that so wrong? The Little Queen This fairy tale is all about a queen who finds love in unexpected ways and unfamiliar places. Princess of the Faire This is my version of Cinderella. I hope you have as much fun reading it as I did writing it. The Piper Not all fairy tales are sweet and light. Climbing Trees Never doubt the power of these sisters. The Rescue A walk at the park takes a turn when she follows a mutt into the woods. Siren's Song Eric just wanted privacy so he could finish his best-selling series. With Me in Paradise Humanity has conquered death, or has it? People are dying to find out. The Geas Choose wisely. And That's The Way it Is Family troubles never end.

And That's The Way it Is

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by rshiles