Feral Human
By KilljoyLover
  • Werewolf
  • alpha
  • apocalypse
  • captured
  • conflict
  • dystopia
  • dystopian
  • escape
  • forcedmate
  • hate
  • jelouse
  • love
  • mate
  • possessive
  • post-apocalyptic


When the werewolf slowly took over, they had domesticated humans, or so they thought. It wasn't uncommon for a werewolf to have a human mate, but when they had a human mate, the mate pull was only felt by the werewolf. That is how they had slowly took over. Mating with a human made more werewolfs. As the werewolf population increased and the human decreased The humans started to stick to each other, defying the mate bond which they haven't felt in the first place. This is when werewolfs decided to domesticate humans, so that the humans would accept the mate bond without a fight if their time came. But just like with cats, not everyone can be domesticated, some prefer being free. And can humans be compared to cats? Humans or what are now call feral humans never thought so. They thought they are more like lions or tigers. They can't be domesticated, they are wild. But there might be a reason why the werewolfs call them feral instead of wild. They believe they can be domesticated. Feral humans now all call each other by nicknames. Werewolfs don't want anything more then to know their mates name, so human do what ever they can to stay true to themselves. Now imagine poor Tali when she finds out she is someone's mate. Will any of her desperate attempts work to get free or will she become domesticated. And what extent is her mate willing to go to get her domesticated. ______________


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Feral Hum...
by KilljoyLover