Ron and His Ghosts
By IamTotallySirius13
  • Fanfiction
  • future
  • ghosts
  • harrypotter
  • hermione
  • pastpresentfuture
  • romione
  • ron
  • ronweasley
  • wattys2017


Ron Weasley. Married to the beautiful Hermione Granger. Father to the adorable Rose and Hugo. You wouldn't expect him to have much to complain about. But, Ron as some people are, is scared of losing everything that matters to him since the Battle of Hogwarts. Therefore, because he is scared, he does stupid things. Ron becomes blind to the pain he causes and loses all that made him the funny and loving guy he once was. It depends on his ghosts to show him what he's doing to his life. He is visited by the pain of his past. The suffering of the present. And the terrifying future. Will Ron finally understand why he's hurting everyone around him, and fix his future? Or, will he let his future play out and leave him broken? -------- I own the plot and a couple characters, the rest belong to J.K. Rowling and Warner Brothers.

Ron and the Ghosts of Wizards Past Present and Future

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Ron and H...
by IamTotallySirius13