The Horizon Catcher
By marilyngreene
  • Fantasy
  • action
  • adventure
  • challenge
  • elijah
  • ginny
  • heart
  • journey
  • love
  • mermaids
  • pirate
  • pirates
  • queen
  • quest
  • romance
  • siren


The tragic legend of the Queen of Sirens and her human love had always circulated however three years ago its map had been found. Ginevra Sinclair was seventeen at the time and since then has honed her skills and resources to become one of the most fierce pirate captains in the world. Aboard her ship The Horizon Catcher, Ginny is on a quest to get that map and win Oceana's Heart, the heart of the Queen of Sirens and source of all oceanic power, for complete control over the the five oceans. While the lust for pure power is Ginny's public goal, she is pursuing the Heart to quiet the incessant calling that finds her on the edge of her deck night after night, always being pulled towards the water. Elijah Turner's father had been a Captain in the British Royal Navy and had died at sea when he was a boy. His father and the crew had been dishonourably credited with treason upon their demise, leaving Elijah a childhood of isolation and disgrace. Now a captain in his own right aboard The Head of Midas, Elijah is embarking on a quest to get that map and win Oceana's Heart in order to find his father's wreck, retrieve his father's ring, and bury him with the honour he deserved. The challenges in the quest are designed to strip hearts bare and so, on this quest made from love, one must wonder what else can be won and what else can be lost. #hipgeneration2019


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The Horiz...
by marilyngreene